Active Citizenship

By the Decision no. 1904/2006/EC dated 12 December 2006, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe approved the Europe for Citizens Program for the period 2007-2013. This program established a legal basis for supporting a wide range of activities and organizations so that to promote an active European citizenship and therefore the citizens’ involvement in the European integration process. The general objectives of the Europe for Citizens Program are: to give citizens the chance to interact in building a closer, more democratic Europe, open to the world, united and enriched by its cultural diversity; to develop EU citizenship; to develop a sense of European identity based on common values, history and culture; to promote a sense of belonging to the European Union; to strengthen tolerance and mutual understanding; to respect and promote cultural and linguistic diversity and intercultural dialogue. Among the specific objectives there are: to gather people belonging to different local communities through Europe so that to share and exchange experiences, opinions and values; to learn from history and build future; to spur debates and reflections on European citizenship and democracy; to make Europe closer to its citizens by promoting values and achievements and by preserving the memory of its past; to encourage the interactions between its citizens and the civil society organizations; to promote the intercultural dialogue and underline both Europe’s diversity and unity, paying attention to those activities addressed to foster links between the citizens of Member States which joined Europe before 30 April 2004 and the ones living in Member States which adhered on a later time. The Active Citizenship represents the program’s key idea. It is necessary to consider carefully this issue along with the need to develop tools and models which suit citizens’ active participation in the European integration process. Participation and democracy are deemed to be priorities. Several studies and debates focused on them along with projects aiming to involve citizens and civil society.

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