Project description
The general objective of the program is to improve the life conditions and increase the incomes of small farmers in twenty villages in the rural area of the diocese of Sokodé.
The specific objectives are:
- Development of income generating activities and the increase of arable lands for the small farmers
- Production of agricultural products more competitive on the market by the small farmers
The expected outcomes are:
- The small farmers have access to credits to support economic activities
- The quantity and quality of agricultural products will increase
- The Savings and Credit Village Associations of small farmers will be established
- The agricultural products of small farmers will be well packaged and stored
- The post-harvest operations will be carried out according to the recommended methods and times
- Financier: CEI
- Start year: 2018
- Duration: 3 years
People helped by the beginning of the project
Goals achieved
Organization of a workshop for the preparation of the monitoring and evaluation plan and of the data collection tools with all the actors involved in the project.
Training of members of the Savings and Credit Village Associations and other economic organizations interested in entrepreneurship and income generating activities.
Training of 20 delegates from the Cooperatives and the Savings and Credit Village Associations on the community management of equipment and infrastructures foreseen by the project for agricultural services.
Construction of some shelters to secure equipment and materials and construction and preparation of warehouses.
Recruitment and training of local mechanics on the maintenance of equipment for post-harvest operations.
Training of small farmers on the quality requirements of agricultural products and on the proper management of post-harvest operations.
Partial purchase of equipment for the mechanization of post-harvest operations: tricycles, threshing machines and ginning machines.
Construction of some shelters to secure equipment and materials. Construction and preparation of warehouses.
Purchase of equipment for the mechanization of post-harvest operations.
Training of 20 small farmers on the treatment, packaging and proper conservation of agricultural products and the group marketing of good quality products.
How much has been collected so far
in Italy and over the world, we work through development projects and distance support programs for disadvantaged communities.