Health support for four clinics in South West Ethiopia

  • Financiers: Tavola Valdese
  • Start year: 2016
  • Duration: 1 year (completed in 2017)
  • Financing: € 30.000
  • People helped: 5.000


Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries of Africa and consequently it has also a weak and patchy health service in the distribution and quality of services. The service is only partially covered by the Ethiopian State and for the most part it is the prerogative of private and religious structures. The State still oversees the suitability of health services with the definition of national quality standards that the authorized and beneficiary of practice’s suitability structures are required to comply, or risk closure.

The general objective of the project is to ensure four clinics located in the southwest of the country, the conditions of practice’s suitability and to promote the sustainability and development.

The four clinics that the project intends to support, are been chosen between 7 examined, following a field mission of the proposing association, in August 2014. The reason of the choice is grounded in their condition, in place and/or in making, of health centers (Gassa Chare), with the risk of not achieving the confirmation of suitability by control bodies of the State for deficiencies of clinical and laboratory instrumentation, the number and degree of specialization of the staff and the solidity of internal pharmacies, easily overcome with their purchase and supply from the project. We emphasize that more than 12 thousand people frequent this health centre and to a lesser extent the other three health posts.

What has been done

  • The strengthening of preparation and specialization of a part of the engaged human resources;
  • The supply of drugs and consumer healthcare products;
  • The provision of basic health facilities provided for the achievement of suitability standards required.

For which the choice was motivated by the check that their condition of posts could be easily modified to reach the suitability condition of health centers:

  1. with the supply of modest financial resources necessary to acquire additional trained staff or to specialize that supplied,
  2. providing their internal pharmacy with consumer products and drugs sent from Italy and
  3. some additional clinical instrument.

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