A political and health training mission has recently been launched at the University of Gondar and at the St Paul and Black Lion hospitals in Addis Ababa, within the project “Advanced training for physiotherapists in Ethiopia” financed by the Waldensian Church with Otto per Mille funds, led by Dr Silvano Lolli, with a busy agenda of meetings already scheduled.
– Meeting with the municipal administration of Gondar, in preparation for a twinning protocol favored by GSI Italia for June with the city of Trevi, where the largest rehabilitation hospital in Umbria is located, with which the University of Gondar has already started collaborations in the training of its personnel.
– Working meeting with the management of the University of Gondar and the managers of the rehabilitation department who came to the USL Umbria 2 in Foligno and Trevi in October 2022. The planning of the Italian academic training missions 2023-24 in the Ethiopian university and of the Ethiopian ones in Italy is in the agenda of the meeting.
– Meetings in Addis Ababa with the directors of the capital’s two major hospitals, St Paul and Black Lion. The issues on the table are the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer, an important part of the health history of GSI Italia in Ethiopia.
– Scheduled meeting with the Minister of Health for the new intervention program of GSI Italia for the next two years, on the prevention and surgical therapy of pediatric heart disease in the capital city and its territory.
– Meeting with the directors of the Catholic University of Addis Ababa to evaluate collaborations in the academic training field. Two preparatory meetings in Ethiopia, in the pre-covid era, with the Cardinal of Addis Ababa, first of Dr Lolli and then of President Loiacono.