Taking care of street little girls in the district of Tshangu in the city of Kinshasa

  • Financiers: GSI Italia, CEI, AESD, OSEPER
  • Start year: 2016


The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the affirmation of fundamental rights of street children in Kinshasa especially little girls.

The specific objectives are:

  • offer an answer though partial to their need of physical, health and food security, in a region of the city of Kinshasa, the “Commune” of Tshangu, with a high level of prostitution;
  • help their need of acute rescue with measures of hospitality, short term shelter and medical-legal-psychological assistance;
  • ensure their early literacy, personal education and working ability;
  • identify solutions of family and social reinsertion and long term residential;
  • sensitize the local population and policy-makers to the problem of street children especially little girls.

The expected overall results are:

  • About 1500 will be the night contacts for the streets of Kinshasa assured by 2 ambulances or “night bus”, that will offer help and human, hygienical, medical and food assistance.
  • An assistance and care Center for street little girls will be built and set-up: in this center services and care will be provided to 450 little girls a year, a 3-6 months residential will be assured to 120 of them, with a turnover of 30-35 per temporal cycle.
  • The structure already operating by Oseper, for little boys, will be renewed.
  • 40 little girls/year will be reinserted in their families and 60 little girls/year will be host in protected structures set up by the project or in foster care.
  • The staff responsible for external and internal services in the Center will be trained and a new ambulance will add to that made available by the local partner Oseper.
  • About 25,000 people/year will be reached by the message of the Festivals.
  • About 300 will be policy-makers, administrators, representatives and operators of local and national Institutions, police, justice administrators and communicators involved in the works of the International Conference.

The expected result: the awareness increase, social and political, on the phenomenon “street little girls and child prostitution”, among the civil population of the capital and of the Country and among the state Institutions.


  • SET-UP from the beginning of a STRUCTURE for the rehabilitation, assistance and care of homeless and/or abused little girls and object of street prostitution;
  • FUNCTIONAL REHABILITATION contextual of the hospitality Center for children, operating in Kinshasa, managed by the Congolese partner Oseper which is the owner;
  • PURCHASE OF AN AMBULANCE, in addition to that already operating by Oseper, for the assistance and taking care of children on the road during the night (365 days/year);
  • SERVICES SUPPLIES by the staff of the assistance and care Center: health, legal, psychological, training and education support
  • RESIDENTIAL SHELTER of medium term (3-6 months) in the assistance Center;
  • Family and/or community of origin REINTEGRATION or, alternatively: inclusion of long term in protected structures or foster to families of the local Christian community. The project, relying on the partners’ experience, has also considered a dispersion of about 20 % of the residential guests little girls of the Centre for failure of the process of taking care and social reinsertion;
  • LOCAL AWARENESS by organizing an ANNUAL FESTIVAL and an INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on the phenomenon of violence on street children and on the prevention and contrast perspectives.

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