Health care and social promotion of street children of Kinshasa

  • Financiers: Tavola Valdese
  • Start year: 2016


The overall objective of the new project, which lasts 2 years, is to contribute to the affirmation of fundamental rights of street children in Kinshasa.

The specific objective is represented by improving the living conditions of street little girls/girls of the “Commune” of Tshangu through the provision of a range of complementary services in the health, educational and social sectors.

The direct beneficiaries are represented by a. 500 street little girls and girls of the “Commune” of Tshangu, who will benefit from the residence inside the homeless shelter, cares and food distributions guaranteed by the mobile unit, legal and psychological support expected in case of violence, and literacy and training courses on fundamental rights.

The indirect beneficiaries are represented by 40.000 inhabitants of the “Commune” of Tshangu, who will receive information about the conditions of life suffered by street children through the testimony of those who will be directly involved by the awareness campaign.

Based on the information and data collected, it was formulated this proposal for the project, whose goal is to create a safer environment and the provision of a range of services which will enjoy the little girls/girls forced to live along the streets of Kinshasa.

Below the expected results and planned activities by which these objectives will be achieved.

Result 1: the safety and health of 500 street little girls and girls are promoted and the legal and psychological support in case of violence is assured


  • opening and management of the homeless shelter;
  • provision and management of a mobile unit;
  • supply of services of psychological support and legal advice.

Result 2: The knowledge of 500 street little girls/girls about their rights and the services provided by the project are consolidated.


  • implementation of literacy courses;
  • implementation of training modules focused on personal rights;
  • implementation of a campaign to promote the services supplied by the structures provided by the project.

Result 3: the population of the “Commune” of Tshangu is made aware about the conditions of street children, with particular reference to the violence they suffer.


  • implementation of an awareness campaign;
  • organization of the national conference: “Street children of Kinshasa: what future?”.

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