The Kick-off Meeting of the project “Young Project Coordinators Grow Up” took place online on the 27th of May. The project is co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme European Youth Together and it involves associations from Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovakia and Portugal.

The project, which lasts 24 months, has these main objectives:

– involve young students, preferably from rural and mountainous areas and small youth associations, poor in planning skills and in the ability to access European programs for young people;

– facilitate their connection with other countries, promoting cooperation between them to co-design the “Europe we want” on the European Youth calls;

– develop specific skills among teachers, operators of participating associations and volunteers, to facilitate the project activity of young people on European calls;

– increase the access to Erasmus + platforms and project proposals in the territories concerned.

The Kick-off Meeting served to identify the steering committee responsible for strategic management and operational oversight and to illustrate the project activities with the deliverables, sharing the information materials.

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